Get Involved. *(denotes required field) Local Union # Name * Phone # Email * To help strengthen my local union I have marked the organizing activities that I would like to participate in. Invite other members to attend COMET Collect names and address of unrepresented workers Make house calls to unrepresented workers Distribute handbills to unrepresented workers Talk to union members about organizing Participate in rallies for organizing participate in pickets Apply for jobs with nonunion employers Work for non-unionemployers as a salt for the purpose of organizing Check on the hiring practices of nonunion employers Participate in a Market Area Survey Locate nonunion jobsites Research nonunion contractors advertising Visit nonunion jobsites Check classified ads for nonunion employment opportunities Help track job permits Research nonunion contractors Be a Big Brother/Sister Meet with nonunion employees to talk anout the Union Staff a cook Wagon Attend city county and school board meetings Write letters to nonunion workers Help out with New Member Oreintation Help out with skill upgrading training Other______________________________ Other CAPTCHA Code: *
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